Sunday, April 1, 2012

my challenge.

This blog post is going to be kind of different, but i have been thinking about it all week and i knew today would be the day that i would actually post it and i looked forward to it. If you really know me, you know this year my life is so incredibly different and that a lot of things have changed. i have grown sooo much and i owe that to many wonderful people. i once thought i was the girl at timpanogos that no one knew (except that was kind of a real thing) but this year i decided i was going to change that and try to make more friends. it's amazing what one football game can do. when i met Jon and Tyson i was not in a very good place in my life. i started hanging out with them a lot and they totally accepted me for who i was. and their families are AWESOME. (that's also a real thing) that lead to me becoming best friends with lex, tiff, and hannah. and that has been such a blessing in my life. and some how hanging out with all these kids i started to become even closer with my parents. my relationships with them have changed in a way i can't quite describe. i have been so much more open with them and its just been great. moving out is going to be hard. i am really going to miss all those late night talks with my mom. anyway i then decided to take photo and was put right next to sarah who has also just taken me in with her friends. many of these people don't know exactly what they have done for me and just how much they have helped me and i can't even find the words to say how they have helped me and just how much they have but i'm so grateful for them. also through out this "change" in my life i have found that katelyn was always right. she knew she would be yet always let me come to her and tell her everything. so to all those people i have name; jon, tyson, tiff, lex, hannah, sarah, katelyn, my parents, and all those who have helped me that i didn't specifically name; kaeli, liss, elder henderson, teachers, and many many more. thank you. now for my challenge. i have decided for the month of april i'm going to challenge myself to do a few things. some silly, some serious, and everywhere in the middle. so here it goes, i challenge myself to:
-not go to taco amigo, if you know me you are probably laughing right now but hey its going to be a real thing.
-not wear so much make up. now i don't wear a lot anyway but this is mostly just meaning i wont worry so much about it.
-not gossip. only spread good about others.
-not judge people around me.
-stop being so focused on myself and to not have "self pity" (thats the best way i can describe it)
-spend more time outside.
-look for more opportunities to serve others.
-smile about the little things.
-be someone people can always depend on.
-be more punctual.
-say thank you.
-be a better friend.
-not be afraid.
-go on adventures.
-don't spend as much money (obviously spring break may be the exception to this)
-include others.
-put god first.
-rock out to the music in my car and not care who may see.
-prepare for nationals for clogging. give it my all.
-keep my room clean. (mom i promise this one will happen)
-remember i am a daughter of god.
-live my testimony.
-make the most of each moment.
-be crazy with my friends.
-not eat so much junk.
-write my brother every week.
-dance in my room.
-drink more water.
-live up the end of my high school days.

Now i see this is a lot and you bet may 1st i will be at taco amigo getting my #3 with a diet coke but i'm actually really excited to do this. one small step to change the world. but now i challenge all of you. yes YOU. do it. post it on facebook, on your blog, hang the list up in your room. make this april one you will always remember. one where you changed your life for the good! and once again, to all those who have helped me so much, i will forever be grateful for you. you have no idea. much love.


  1. oh janalee, you are so awesome! you will do great. I will be quietly cheering you on and pray for your success. You have THE geatest parents and I am so glad you are so close to them. I love you and know you will have many steps of progression in your life. Wanting and trying to grow is awesome! Good Luck my beautiful friend!!!

  2. I LOVE YOU JANALE!!!!I'm so glad we've become best friends. You've changed me so much for the better and I owe so much of who I've become to you. Thank you for embracing my strangeness, my greasy-ness, my odd attributes and habits.. and all of the above. I love you and I really believe we're going to be best friends for forever. Thank you. Your challenge list is AWESOME! You are inspiring!!!! And I fully support you in all of your goals and hope to be of help to you as you begin to achieve them! (: xo!
