Tuesday, July 10, 2012

late night talks.

last night katelyn and i were sitting in our room talking. ever since she has moved in we spend nights talking about everything. sometimes we cry sometimes we laugh but it's always so nice to just talk and listen. last night was one of those nights where we just talked for hours. however the subject this time was quite different and its been on my mind a long time.

when i go through peoples pictures on Facebook, their blog, or the new insta rage, i think "wow they are so happy", "wow their life is perfect", "that's where i want to go because they make it look like so much fun", etc. and i get in that weird sadness that i'm sure most of us have felt. the "if only my life were like that" kind of thing. and this is what me and katelyn were talking about. but then i thought maybe people look at my pictures and think that same thing.

then it hit me.

no one is going to take pictures of them crying.
no one is going to take pictures of their broken heart.
no one is going to take pictures of the pain they feel from a certain event in their life.
no one is going to take pictures of their biggest fear.
no one is going to take pictures of the weaknesses.
no one is going to take pictures of the nights they cry themselves to sleep.
no one is going to post these pictures.
why would you?

it made me think of the quote "be kind to every person you meet for each is fighting a battle inside" and i never really thought of it until now.

so here's to those girls (and guys too) that feel like no one understands, that feel like their trials are suffocating them, that wish they had the life of someone else, that don't feel important, etc. just remember you are loved and people look up to you that you don't even realize. remember you are not alone. remember the girls that you see in all those happy amazing pictures have struggles too. maybe even more than you think.

thank goodness for the late night talks that make you feel like maybe you aren't alone in this world struggling with changes in your life. and that things will get better.


  1. Beautiful Janale. You are an amazing example to me and I thank you for all that you do. Please never stop being who you are.

  2. I'm one of those people that look at your pictures like that ;)

    1. ha see this is what is so weird to me! i feel like i do it to quite a few people but think no one would ever do that to me. i guess you never know. truth is i do it to you as well :) love you brittany!
