Tuesday, August 25, 2015


(Yes I realize August is basically over but this month was too good not to document!) I love July. It really is one of the best months of the year and it sure was a busy one for us!

We spent the 4th of July in Koosharem with some of Zach's family. Koosharem is a teeny tiny town close to Fish Lake. We usually ride four wheelers and just relax. Zach got to fight his airplanes and I got to read my book so all was well! We also went to the Salina Rodeo. I've never been to a rodeo and so I was excited to see what it was like. Haha. It was so fun but definitely a red neck party. The announcer was on a horse that had never been in a rodeo and was going crazy the whole time. I think everyone there had tears from laughing so hard.

Speaking of laughing so hard, Zach and I had quite the experience this month. At the first of the month we watch the last Harry Potter movie and Voldemort freaks me out. I don't know why and I realize that's the most childish thing ever but he does! I think it's the whole nose thing. Anyway. Zach was really tired and fell right asleep but I took my sweet time getting ready for bed while humming primary songs. All of a sudden I hear this big BOOM! I pee my pants and scream thinking someone has been shot and totally wake up Zach. Another big boom happens and Zach just looks at me and says, "that was a firework". Ha! That darn Voldemort was just scaring me!

BUT a few weeks later Zach and I are asleep (it's like 2 in the morning at this point) and all of a sudden there is this really loud CRASH!!! Terrifyingly loud. It obviously wakes us both up. I turn to Zach and ask what the heck he thinks it was and he just calmly replies "it was something upstairs". I, trusting him, try to go back to sleep. Then out of no where Zach has one arm over me and is sitting strait up. He starts yelling, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Okay by this moment I may or may not have had a few tears. I was SO scared. Zach just keeps yelling that and I think we are both dead. Goners. I tell him to grab his phone and turn on the flash light and he yells "I'M CALLING THE COPS!" Now I'm really terrified and Zach's hands are shaking so bad. He won't turn on the flash light because he is so scared and I say "Zach turn on the flash light!!!" He replies, "Then they will know where we are!" HAHAHAHAHAHA. We live in a two bedroom apartment and he's just been yelling at this "person" for the last ten minutes. Hahaha. Oh man I'm even just crying typing this. Haha. Anyway. He finally builds up the courage to turn on the flash light and we discover what he thought was a person was just a towel hanging over the door in the other room. Zach thought the towel was really long hair and someone peeking around the door. So we had some "hippie" invade our basement. It turned out our clock in the living room fell. Haha. The next day we went out to get food and we started talking about the traumatizing experience and literally couldn't even talk we were laughing so hard. Haha. Oh it was one of the best things. Just picture two little frightened newly weds shaking with fear and one yelling, "I'M CALLING THE COPS!!!" Haha!! I can only imagine what our upstairs people are thinking. We talked about getting a gun but I can only imagine how well that would go, "I HAVE A GUN!!!" The upstairs would for sure think something is terribly wrong with us. Haha! The best thing. We were really glad to be safe and I made Zach check every little space to make sure we really were safe. Oh man.. One of the best and scariest of times. Haha! I can't even get over it. Zach.. what a guy.

Anyway. Aside from a long haired hippy breaking into our house (insert crying emoji here) the rest of the month went very well.

For Pioneer Day we went up to my family's ranch in Bone, Idaho. It's a little place in basically the middle of no where. We sleep in tents, four wheel all day long, eat lots of treats, laugh, and sing around the camp fire. My family has gone up there practically every year since my mom was about 5. Last year I was in Ecuador helping the cutest babies (that I still miss all the time) when they went so I was really excited to take Zach up there. It rained. A LOT. But we still had fun. We had something like 11 four wheelers and 2 little motorbikes. My dad got a little 80 for a day and Zach was in heaven but after Steph crashed into the bushes (the softest spot in the whole place) my dad got a little worried and exchanged it for a four wheeler. I love being up there. It is SO beautiful. You have no cell phone reception and just trails for days! I always just wish we could explore for 3 days all the different trails up there. I'm sure we still wouldn't get to all of them. There really are so many!! But we really enjoyed the time to just get away. We almost didn't get there because the cows in the road wouldn't move! Haha. That was pretty good.

Overall we had quite the month. Reading over this I think July is the month we laughed a whole lot. August is turning out to be.. well… interesting. But you'll have to wait for that update next month. I'm so glad I have decided to do a little update each month because now I'll always have these moments to look back on. So thanks blog for having my back and stuff.

Did I mention we also ate at 180 tacos again like a million time? I'm not mad.

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